Partnership for a Healthy and Sustainable Food Future
You are invited! We seek partners to form the Partnership for a Healthy and Sustainable Food Future to work together for transformative change in the food system in Western Maryland.
Food is a wonderful theme to unify community collaboration for health, economic opportunity, cultural vitality, and environmental quality. The proposed Partnership mission is to improve the food system in Western Maryland in three strategic ways with measurable goals. The goals will be refined with partner input - and we invite your input! We present these initial goals as a starting point. By 2030, the Partnership will strive to: 1. Increase the portion of our food supply that is locally grown from the current 1% to 10% 2. Decrease food insecurity from 13% to 5% 3. Decrease the rate of diabetes from 10% to 5% We are forming this Partnership because we know that parts of the food system are interdependent and must grow, develop, and improve together. And we know that multi-sector coordination prevents duplication of efforts and working at cross purposes and thus increases efficiency and effectiveness. To read the Partnership Proposal click here For more details and supporting materials, see below. Interested in joining the Partnership or learning more? Contact us! |
Action Plans & Current Efforts |
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Successes by Food Councils |
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Supporting Research